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Board Meeting scheduled for Feb. 10th will be the 12th at 6:00

















Bad Weather Info
The district will pay close attention to the roads. Once roads look like an issue, school will be dismissed. If sleet ever begins school will be dismissed.
It is difficult to know exactly if the school will be called off in advance, the district will do the best it can for the safety of all students and staff.
Parents anytime you are uncomfortable sending your child to school just let the school know you are keeping them at home. Parents are always allowed to pick their child up from school.

Students which will not have anyone at home and cannot get into their house should stay at school with the principal; Your child will be warm and taken care of. Please plan so the staff member staying with your child is also not put at risk.
Please use the school Facebook page or the school website for current information. The school will also use channel 6 and is working on other channels.



To Parents of Hanna Students,

It is the season again for sickness bugs to make their round. Please, if your child has a fever keep them home, students sent to school will be sent home if a fever exists. Stomach bugs tend to be contagious, if your child has thrown up, consider keeping the child at home for the day. We love to have our students in class but if we start sharing sickness the school may need to close completely to be disinfected. We would really like to diminish the rate of infection, so any help you can give up will be greatly appreciated.

Students that do attend school and are not feeling well or have been sick may be seated away from other student in the class. We want to be cautious about placing a child in a room with others when there is a possible negative implication for all.

Students that need to remain home due to illness may have work picked up for them in the main office. The office just needs a head up so work may be collected. We are here to help in any way possible. The student’s teacher will work with the child if the work is not able to be picked up.



School Handbooks.

Handbooks are located on the school website, very few changes from previous years. We did not send a hardcopy home with each child; these normally get tossed (lost). If you would like a hard copy, please call the office and we will send one home with your student.

Please contact the office 918 802-2311 and let us know if you DO NOT want your child’s picture published on any social media. We will remove your child from pictures so this can be observed.


Thank you

Public Information

Due to a home basketball game on Tuesday the 11th

Parent Teacher Conference date has been changed.

PTC will now be Tuesday February 18th 4:00 – 7:00

We appreciate our families and look forward to seeing you on the 18th!


Current Weather

Current Condition: broken clouds

Temperature: 25.02˚F

Feels Like: 12.74˚F

Wind Speeds: 14.79mph

Weather humidity: 71%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Contact Information

Hanna Public Schools
301 East 2nd Street
Hanna, Oklahoma 74845

Monday – Thursday  8:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Friday – 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Phone: 9186572523